
Circumnavigating the Earth in 80 days, Jules Verne style!

Day 78, Hamburg

Publicerad 2019-07-04 23:36:56 i General,

Ist der Sommer schon vorbei, the newspapers are wondering and so am I. No trace of any heat wave that allegedly plagued Europe here!

We left the ship after breakfast and were taken by a shuttle bus to the gate. Veddel S-Bahn station is within walking distance, so we saved some money by going there.

The controversial Herbertstraße, where women are only allowed in display windows.

The 108-year old Elbetunnel, running underneath the river for pedestrians’ and cyclists’ convenience.

The German Food Additives Museum. I strongly recommend a visit, but the exhibition is entirely in German, so one should feel comfortable with one’s German skills before going.

They have, for example, a shelf with all the infamous "E substances", id est the food additives that have a number preceded by an E assigned by the European Union.

(null)The difference in price to flavour 100 kg raspberry yoghurt with artificial flavour to the left, real raspberries to the right.

St. Nikolai Kirche, that was bombes during the Second World War. Do note that I am standing inside the church.

Channels in Specherstadt!

One of the highlights of Hamburg is really Miniatur-Wunderland! By buying tickets online with a timed entry close to the closing hour of 22:00, one gets a discount. Two hours before closing was, however, somewhat tight, so I would probably opt for a lower discount and slightly longer visit, if I were visiting for the first time again.

A miniature concert venue.

The Switzerland exhibition was one of the most ambitious ones and it is impossible to catch it in one image. All trains are moving and even some of the cars!

Another highlight is the airport with miniature planes taking off and landing! Amazing how they have been able to make them do that!

In the Scandniavian exhibition Sweden was represented by Greta Thunberg with her world-famous sign "Skolstrejk för klimatet", standing on a piece of "ice".

The mine and railway station of Kiruna were also present.

Venice is the newest exhibition item.


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